Diversity statement for graduate school

My father is from Karachi, Pakistan and my mother is from Bangladesh. At the delicate age of 16, my father immigrated to the U.S. alone. His father had died, and he needed to send money home to the family. At first, he was a taxi driver and a dishwasher. Although he never went past the seventh grade in school, he eventually owned several fast-food restaurants. My mom is our rock—she keeps us rooted in ethics through practicing our Islamic faith. 

As a first-generation American, I live in two worlds: America's independent spirit and the pious, family-first world of Pakistan. I believe in blending both world's best qualities: personal ambition and family devotion.  

After college, like so many other young Americans, I was living far away from the family in Baltimore, Maryland.  My carefree days were cut short when a disaster struck, and my father was diagnosed with Cancer.  Immediately, my family devotion took over, and within a week, I was living at home. 
Deep down, I knew my parents expected it. In a time of need, the family trumps independence. 
Our core values are family-first, to love G-d, and to respect all living creatures.  At Northwestern, these principles will guide my relationships with students and professors. As a psychological counselor, I will help clients make choices based on their morals and deepest values. 

College Essay
Cover Letters