Letter to Padilla for Website

April 30, 2021

The Honorable Senator Padilla
B03 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington DC  20510

To Whom it May Concern:

I am writing to apply for the summer internship in Senator Padilla's office.
I chose American University to study political science in Washington, DC; today, I learn in my high school bedroom. Despite the pandemic, I adapted to the disruption and developed my political interests in education and tax reform.

To give back to my city, I teach underprivileged kids computer science from SCRATCH to cybersecurity. After working with my students, I became interested in California's education system. Why does it rank as one of the worst public education systems in the United States? I believe it is due to the $600 billion lost in property taxes due to Proposition 13. This policy benefits wealthy property owners who can afford higher taxes. The excess money can fund necessary programs in California. Prop 13 needs an overhaul so that our public schools can get the funds they need.

As an intern in State Senator Ben Allen's office, I supported the Senator's controversial (give a Bill as an example.) On-call after call, passionate constituents asked me tough questions demanding answers. I learned when to talk, to listen, and to validate the opposite opinion. Given our polarized politics, this experience will be valuable in Senator Padilla's office.

I offer you a resilient young person who is ready for anything.

Thank you for your consideration,

Name of student 

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