Stanford Trial Program Essay

Tell us why you are interested in attending the Intensive Law & Trial program at Stanford.

I want to fight for racial equality and human rights; To do this, I must understand the legal system and how to build a logical, evidence-based argument. Justice Ruth Ginsberg is my inspiration. As a Muslim immigrant woman, I want to represent women in the legal field. This is particularly important to me because I come from a misogynistic culture.  

In the last year, I developed a podcast entitled “Face the Music.” I interview my peers on topics that matter to them: racial and gender equality, police brutality, and the future of our planet. Additionally, I created a website and assembled a team: a producer, a social media person, and a fundraising campaign. I learned how to develop a complex project, plan and collaborate with others. These are essential skills for a lawyer, and I intend to build on them in the program at Stanford University. 

Although I am academically prepared for this program, I have so much to learn. This is an opportunity to begin to study legal rhetoric and ethics in preparation for college and, one day, Law School.

College Essay